Review the qualifications below to learn what it takes to be eligible for support from Izdihar Libnan
Izdihar Libnan is accepting applications from all business sectors as we understand there are currently massive needs and opportunities in our communities. In the business plan, the entrepreneur must specifically explain how the business will have a positive community impact. All entrepreneurs submit a market assessment in combination with the business plan that identifies the needs in their target community and explain how the business will successfully address them. Whatever your inspiration is to help your community, make your pitch, and we will listen.
Proving that the entrepreneur is able to create and promote meaningful and sustainable employment is a pivotal component of the business plan. If the business does not intend on hiring employees, then the application will not be successful.
All entrepreneurs need to outline how the business will be financially viable and have the opportunity to grow and maintain success. Entrepreneurs need to project the scale up feasibility in the business plan up to two years in the future.
Entrepreneurs submit a detailed budget and prove that they will have the business up and running within one year of implementation initiation. The financial package that the entrepreneur receives may include start-up costs, operating costs, business consultants, business registration, and legal fees. Applications that show a personal investment from the entrepreneur have a stronger chance of being successful.
All entrepreneurs that apply to the program need to legally be allowed to work in Lebanon and pass a comprehensive background check.