
Since 2019, Lebanon has experienced nationwide protests, a global health pandemic, government instability, and an explosion that rocked Beirut and its suburbs, contributing to a near economic collapse. The lack of comprehensive and consistent state-provided services has been further damaging to an already vulnerable economy and population. The internal fragility has led to a necessary and critical reliance on support from the international community. Izdihar Libnan’s goal is to support entrepreneurs in Lebanon with a holistic business package to promote meaningful employment, positive community impact, and sustainable economic growth. An integral component of Izdihar Libnan’s goal is the contribution and participation of the Global Support Network. The Global Support Network is composed of local and international humanitarian and business professionals with diverse perspectives and capabilities who are volunteering their time to be change agents for a more prosperous Lebanon. The functions of the Global Support Network include administrative organizational support, participating in the entrepreneurship application review panel and selection process, and being a member of the Mentorship Team for successful entrepreneurs.


Organizational Support

Our program is implemented through a streamlined management and support staff structure that ensures that all financial contributions have the greatest impact on the program objectives. The structure is made possible due to the expertise of the Global Support Network members who voluntarily support on workstreams of their specialty. The Global Support Network members are currently supporting communications, technical support, and entrepreneurial support methodology

Application Evaluation

To be accepted into the program, an entrepreneur must pass through a rigorous three-stage application process, in the third and final stage of the application process, Izdihar Libnan asks Global Support Network members that have sectoral expertise in the proposed business sector and assess the complete application package that has been submitted by the entrepreneur. The Global Support Network members are responsible for reviewing, scoring, and providing feedback to the entrepreneurs on their application and to Izdihar Libnan on the feasibility of the proposed business.

Mentorship Team

The mentorship package that Izdihar Libnan provides to the entrepreneurs is one of the key, unique components of the achievement of sustainable success. The methodology includes having a cohort of entrepreneurs allocated a mentorship team from the Global Support Network that supports them through the business creating process. The mentorship team includes a Lead Mentor who provides continuous mentorship to an entrepreneur through the longevity of the business creation, and Support Mentors to the assist the entrepreneurs with specific workstreams with their area of expertise,

For a more prosperous Lebanon

The Global Support Network Gives Back

The Global Support Network Members are people from around the world who are extremely committed and eager to support Izdihar Libnan reach our goal and to give back to the people of Lebanon. Here at Izdihar Libnan, we are extremely thankful for the Global Support Network Members volunteering their time and we are excited to work with them for years to come. Together, we are supporting cohorts of entrepreneurs to build a more prosperous Lebanon.